Autism Digest
May 9, 20244 min read
The Amazing Benefits of My Autism Service Dog
When my mom started researching ways to help me, she discovered autism service dogs. I’ve always liked animals, so my mom thought this might

Autism Digest
May 9, 20242 min read
The Most Fun in the World is Making Stuff
by Temple Grandin The Way I See It I went to a wonderful Mini-Maker Faire called STEAM Fest in Boulder, Colorado. STEAM stands for...

Autism Digest
May 8, 20243 min read
Sensory Processing Difference (SPD): Signs, Management, and Resources
Download a copy of this infograph Understanding Sensory Processing Difference (SPD): Signs, Management, and Resources Sensory Processing...

Autism Digest
May 2, 20243 min read
Enhanced Literacy & Communication in Autism
by Gabriel Hannans Gabriel Hannans, a parent, credentialed teacher, literacy specialist, autism interventionist, and social media...

Autism Digest
Apr 8, 20242 min read
Unboxing: Autism Digest and the 7 Ahead Family Team-up on a Unboxing Event
In a new initiative, Autism Digest is thrilled to present an enchanting unboxing feature that's all about bringing smiles, engagement,...

Autism Digest
Mar 27, 20242 min read
Free Autism Digest for Autism Acceptance Month
This year, as Autism Digest commemorates its 25th anniversary, the publication is also celebrating Autism Acceptance Month by releasing...

Autism Digest
Mar 26, 20241 min read
Unboxing with Gertmenian Interactive Rugs
In a delightful new initiative, Autism Digest is thrilled to present an unboxing feature that's all about bringing smiles, engagement,...

Autism Digest
Mar 15, 20241 min read
Now it’s time to hear from you!
Survey by Will Barron, PhD As we look forward to the upcoming issues of Autism Digest, we want to ensure our content resonates with you,...